On 24th July the sustainability program of VSY moved a new strategic step forward: onboard M/Y Stella Maris in the Principality of Monaco was hosted a multidisciplinary workshop – Charting Sustainability – on critical factors and policies in the Mediterranean for a new governance with the participation of the key players in the marine system. The event was promoted and organised by Eulabor Institute.
Biologists, social and political experts and communication professionals debated on sustainability as an opportunity to build a network with all participants with the aim to set the grounds for a better communication and to share relevant information, to define specific crucial priority and steps towards a new, more sustainable, interdisciplinary governance; sustainability as a process by which it is possible to rethink and optimise the regulation and interaction of humanity and natural environment, the production cycle and the business models, the environmental and social responsibility improvement of nautical activities. The event gave the opportunity to discuss on good practices and the most advanced, innovative experiences and projects. Charting Sustainability follows the first successful workshop – Mare futuro – and the Eulabor Institute scientific research program in the Marine Protected Areas of the Mediterranean Sea, sponsorised by VSY, with the clear aim to create a greater awareness of the environmental and social impact issue and to set models for an effective sustainable path together with all the stakeholders of the marine system.